New Core Company Member Announcement!
American Players Theatre adds four actors to core company, by Lindsay Christians
“Following their performance in ‘The Liar,’ Isthmus critic Gwen Rice counted González, Newcomb and Krause among ‘the next generation of APT all-stars.’ González…[’s] first season with APT was 2018, when she played Ellie in ‘Heartbreak House.’ More recent roles have included the princess in ‘Love’s Labour’s Lost’ and Julia in ‘The Rivals.’ (She was also a follower of Falstaff in ‘Merry Wives of Windsor’ — a recent bio crows, ‘Shakespeare roles traditionally played by older men for the win!!’)”
To read more about APT’s Core Company and its expansion, click here.
Groundhog Day, Paramount Theatre
“In the key role of producer Rita Hanson, González lights up the stage as a driven, talented boss with a sunny outlook and the authoritative air of someone who knows they’re in charge and are good at what they do. Hanson’s wattage grows stronger every time Phil acts like a jerk.”
- Chicago Sun Times
“In particular, the associate producer Rita Hanson (a wonderful Phoebe González) becomes a much more fleshed-out character beyond being the 'romantic interest.’ Rita's disappointments with dating and contemplating Phil's plight are all incisively given in song."
- Daily Herald
“The captivating González, a fine actor and singer whose challenge is to corral Phil's ever-evolving advances, is perfect as Rita.”
- Picks in Six
“… a moving performance by Phoebe González — whose Rita clearly deserves someone better than Phil — unless he can change.”
- Shaw Local
A Phoenix Too Frequent, American Players Theatre
Nominated for Best Performer in a Play by Broadway World Madison!
“Ms. Fromm’s actors speak their lines in a manner both lively and stylish, and Ms. González and Mr. Sheard have all the chemistry needed to bring the plot to charming life.”
- The Wall Street Journal
“González, a gifted comic actor, drapes herself over the coffin at center stage, fully engaged in Dynamene’s performance of grief.”
- The Cap Times
“As the widow, González epitomizes the grand gesture. She puts as much passion into her heady poetry about new love as she does lamenting the loss of her geeky, accountant former husband.”
- Isthmus
Heartbreak House, American Players Theatre
“Phoebe González is spending her first summer with American Players Theatre and she may well have the makings of a future star… She stands her ground in a cast of some of the best actors in the world.”
“Ellie, played with a thousand expressions of dismay, exasperation and determination by the marvelous Chicago actor Phoebe González…”
- The Cap Times
“And, as the ‘straight man’, Phoebe González is logical and earnest in extreme, until she realizes she’s more comfortable in the bohemian hideaway than the ‘real’ world.”
- On Milwaukee
The Burn, Steppenwolf
“‘I feel it,’ she says, with the fine actress González expressing an underacknowledged truth.”
- The Chicago Tribune
“Phoebe González makes Mercedes all her own. As the sweet, soft-spoken new student at this school, who harbors her own tragic secrets, religion is this teenager’s refuge.”
- Chicago Theatre Review
La Havana Madrid, Teatro Vista
“Teatro Vista has lined up some terrific young actor-singers including Cruz Gonzalez-Cadel, Phoebe González and Tommy Rivera-Vega.”
- The Chicago Tribune
“Phoebe González is utterly endearing as Maruja, with a beautiful voice to match.”
- Chicagoland Musical Theatre
“… talented newcomer, Phoebe González…”
- Chicago Theatre Review